Urban mobility governance

Room A1
15:15 – 16:45
Format: Roundtable

The construction of an urban governance framework that allows the achievements of agreements and arrangements among different public and private stakeholders and civil society is the key to the implementation and consolidation of sustainable mobility systems.

In this sense, this session will focus on diverse strategies and mechanisms that allow local authorities to weave multistakeholder networks, agreements and alliances to advance in the construction of more inclusive and competitive cities through the implementation of sustainable mobility plans, programmes and projects with the participation and commitment of public and private stakeholders and the civil society.

Likewise, speakers in this session will discuss about the pertinence and feasibility of generating a global alliance of cities for the promotion and consolidation of sustainable mobility systems. Such an alliance could generate a common framework for action with shared guidelines and roadmaps among member cities.

Joan Clos, Secretary General of United Nations and Executive Director (2010-2017), UN Habitat

Shreya Gadepalli, South Asia Programme Lead, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
Jose Antonio Santano, Mayor of Irun
Laura Ballesteros, Technical Secretary of the Women in Movement Initiative and Former Undersecretary of Planning, Mobility Department of Mexico City
Eneko Goia, Mayor of San Sebastián