Claves para una movilidad eléctrica sostenible

La movilidad eléctrica ya es una realidad. Por un lado, es unívoca la dirección a la que apuntan las instituciones y gobiernos cuyos marcos regulatorios y de políticas públicas en materia de movilidad sostenible vinculan sus objetivos a corto y medio plazo a la implementación de un nuevo modelo de movilidad. Por otro lado, también … Leer más

MaaS: Multi-modality on-demand

Trains, streetcars, private vehicles and subway systems have defined urban life and connected our cities in the past century. More recently, ride-hailing providers such as Uber, Cabify and Lyft, among others, as well as systems in which bikes, cars and scooters are shared between users, have disrupted the transportation sector and provided urban dwellers new … Leer más

The rise of a new mobility ecosystem

Being able to move around cities everyday enables us to access services, opportunities and reach the places and people who are important to us. However, transportation, as we know it, comes at a cost as it also brings along a series of negative effects. To name a few: Urban transportation is highly time-consuming, in average … Leer más

Citizens: from users to co-creators of urban mobility (Part II)

In order to build a more sustainable mobility, the EU-led initiative Ch4llenge recognizes the need to include citizens in decision-making and shif the paradigm of how mobility is conceived. In this regard, citizens can participate as co-creators in four (4) ways: as explorers, ideators, designers and diffusers of the construction of public services. In the second part of this two-piece … Leer más

Bilboko HMJP: hiri-mugikortasuna herritarrekin batera planifikatzen

Ekainaren 19an gertaera gogoangarria izan zen Bilbo hiriaren mugikortasunaren historian. Egun horretan, Udalbatzan ordezkariak dituzten alderdi guztiek Mugikortasun Jasangarriaren aldeko Ituna sinatu zuten. Agiri horrek, Udaleko Mugikortasun eta Jasangarritasun Sailak sustatuak, Bilboko Hiri Mugikortasun Jasangarriaren Plana 2015-2030 (HMJP)  ezartzeko guztien konpromisoa itxi du. Plan hori egiteko, herritarren partaidetza-prozesuak burutu dira. Itun hori sinatzean, hortaz, udal-buruzagiek … Leer más

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: A New Way of Planning Urban Mobility

Sustainable urbanisation is widely acknowledged as a key global challenge for the 21st century. Congestion, air pollution, safety and noise pollution are examples of commonly shared problems in European cities. Besides the direct impact of traffic, urban transport also affects social development, social exclusion and accessibility for people with reduced mobility. In order to tackle … Leer más