R&D for new sustainable mobility models

Room A1
9:20 – 10:10
Format: Keynotes

Highlighting the role of research and technology development in increasing innovation applied to the new sustainable mobility models. Thus, the presentations will focus on the processes of production, operation and consumption-oriented solutions for sustainable mobility, highlighting the impact on the appearance of new applications and functionalities and, therefore, in the creation of value. This session will review the latest and most relevant advances in software, connectivity, storage and data exploitation and what such advances mean for the future of mobility in cities (IoTSP, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, blockchain, additive manufacturing, autonomous
vehicles, among others).

Finally, speakers will present initiatives and projects, carried out by public and private stakeholders, which favour the creation of synergies between productive sectors around R&D processes in mobility. Likewise, there will be identify their impacts on the construction of safer, more efficient and environmental friendly urban environments and that promote the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens.

Luz Pérez, Chair at the Basque Mobility and Logistics Cluster, and Logistics Director at Uvesco Group

Oihana Otaegui, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)Department Director, Vicomtech
Gavin Shorten, Head of IBM Ireland Innovation Exchange, IBMIreland Lab
Hector Olabegogeaskoetxea, Executive Director, Irizar emobility