Full programme

Parallel session

Session 5 – “Green Hydrogen” Sustainable Energy

Hall 0ATopic 1

09:00 - 10:30 (UTC+2) | Thursday, October 7th

Format: Round Table

Add to calendar 10-07-2021 09:00 10-07-2021 10:30 Europe/Madrid Session 5 – “Green Hydrogen” Sustainable Energy

The need to reduce greenhouse gases, the challenges of the energy transition towards alternative fuels and technological advances have increased the popularity of hydrogen in recent years and regional and national hydrogenation plans are being developed. In this context, green hydrogen has emerged recently as a source of ecological and sustainable energy with which climate neutrality may be reached by 2050, hence achieving an energy transition in which nobody is left behind.

During this session, green hydrogen, its advantages and potential for mobility will be specifically discussed and explored.  The speakers will tell us how hydogenation plans are being developed in their respective countries and what they consider will be the future of this source of energy.

Hall 0A

The need to reduce greenhouse gases, the challenges of the energy transition towards alternative fuels and technological advances have increased the popularity of hydrogen in recent years and regional and national hydrogenation plans are being developed. In this context, green hydrogen has emerged recently as a source of ecological and sustainable energy with which climate neutrality may be reached by 2050, hence achieving an energy transition in which nobody is left behind.

During this session, green hydrogen, its advantages and potential for mobility will be specifically discussed and explored.  The speakers will tell us how hydogenation plans are being developed in their respective countries and what they consider will be the future of this source of energy.

